Adding Brute Force Protection to cover ALL WordPress websites on a server

PLEASE NOTE: This tutorial is for VPS or Dedicated Servers. If you have any other plan with us, this has already been done on the serverThere are many plugins out there...

How to unblock your IP from the firewall or remove your customers IP

We give our customers the ability to unblock their IP addresses or their customers IP addresses from our servers firewall. What this means is, if you or a customer...

How to use the file manager in cPanel

There are times you need to access your cPanel file manager to either delete some files, or upload some files. This tutorial will show you how to access your...

How to upgrade or change your PHP version in cPanel

There are many different versions of PHP and unfortunately some scripts will not work with the newer versions of PHP. However, it's important to always make sure you're using...

How to leverage browser caching on your website

So you've just run a test on your website to see how fast it goes. You get an F, you fail, or get some other score you're not happy with. You...

cPanel Shared IP address for nobody fix

If you have logged into your VPS or server and noticed that you had an IP address that was not assigned to any accounts, yet you are unable to use it...

How to create a resellers account in WHM

To create a resellers account in WHM or to transform an existing account into a reseller account with the ability to create its own cPanel accounts, please do the following: (Please login...

Enabling LS-Cache on your Venom Powered plan

All of our Venom Powered plans come with the extremely powerful LS-Cache license, the fastest WordPress caching system in existence. Enabling it is quite easy and the default options...

Configure iPhone 4 for cPanel Email

The screenshots were taken from an iPhone 4 runnng iOS 4.3.x. So, lets start. Please note, if your iOS is a different version then the aforementioned, the steps should still be...

How to add another website/domain to your hosting (addon domain)

Updated: July 5, 2023If you have a Professional plan with us or any other plan that allows you to host more than 1 website, you...