All of our Venom Powered plans come with the extremely powerful LS-Cache license, the fastest WordPress caching system in existence. Enabling it is quite easy and the default options are already set to get you the fastest speeds possible from a caching system. NOTE: Please disable any other caching system plugin in your WordPress website before proceeding
First, log into your WordPress admin and go to “Plugins >> Add New. This will take you to the homepage of the plugins marketplace. In the search bar, type in “LS-Cache”

You will see LiteSpeed Cache come up. Click on Install Now. After it’s done installing, you will want to click on “Activate”

Now, you will be taken to your list of installed plugins in WordPress. Now click on Settings to make sure it’s installed and enabled.

If it is enabled successfully you will see “Enabled” in green

That’s it! We recommend not changing any of those default values. As long as it says it’s enabled, you’re good to go! If it doesn’t, you will need to make sure you don’t have any other caching plugins enabled so they don’t interfere. Thank you!