If you have a cPanel VPS, cPanel dedicated server, or a cPanel resellers account here at Webhostpython.com, you are entitled to free unlimited SSL certificates for any and all of your domains. You can issue these yourself quite easily right from your WHM panel. NOTE: The domain needs to be pointing to the server in order to successfully issue a SSL
First, log into your WHM panel. Then, on the search bar to the left type in “AutoSSL”.

After clicking on AutoSSL, you will be taken to the homepage of the AutoSSL system where you can issue SSL certificates for any of your users. Click on the “Manage Users” tab.

Now you will see a list of all the users in your WHM. This is listed by cPanel usernames and not by domains. So you will need to know the cPanel username of the domain you want to issue an SSL for. Type in the name of the cPanel user and then click on “Enable AutoSSL” and “Check “username” (username will be the username you are issuing the SSL certificates for)/ That’s it. It will now issue a SSL certificate for all domains and subdomains/addon domains under that cPanel username
You can check the Pending Queue after a few seconds to see if the certificates are there pending.

To test if your website received an SSL certificate, simply visit your website using https:// instead of http://. So for example, you would type in https://webhostpython.com instead of http://webhostpython.com and this will show you if you have a SSL certificate. If it doesn’t have SSL, it will give you a red browser warning. Thank you!