cPanel Shared IP address for nobody fix

If you have logged into your VPS or server and noticed that you had an IP address that was not assigned to any accounts, yet you are unable to use it...

Configure iPhone 4 for cPanel Email

The screenshots were taken from an iPhone 4 runnng iOS 4.3.x. So, lets start. Please note, if your iOS is a different version then the aforementioned, the steps should still be...

How to fix WordPress problem where images cannot be uploaded and result in errors

So you go to upload images and they're taking forever. OR, you go to upload images and you get errors such as "http invalid response" or "json invalid response"....

Adding Brute Force Protection to cover ALL WordPress websites on a server

PLEASE NOTE: This tutorial is for VPS or Dedicated Servers. If you have any other plan with us, this has already been done on the serverThere are many plugins out there...

How to track down/stop outgoing spam problem on cPanel/CentOS server or VPS

This was a great tutorial written on a public forum that we felt would be very helpful for customers having an outgoing spam issue. The credit is given to the author...

Frequently used ports and their corresponding uses

Here's a little cheat sheet on the most commonly used ports on a cPanel server. This helps with situations such as problems sending email through port 25 and 26 because your...

How to view your website before updating nameservers (Like using temp url)

The best way of testing your sites is to modify your local hosts file right on your local computer. This file allows you to tell your local computer what...

How to unblock your IP from the firewall or remove your customers IP

We give our customers the ability to unblock their IP addresses or their customers IP addresses from our servers firewall. What this means is, if you or a customer...

How to use the file manager in cPanel

There are times you need to access your cPanel file manager to either delete some files, or upload some files. This tutorial will show you how to access your...

Trigger an action via CSF when server load is high on VPS or Server

ConfigServer Firewall works well by default. But if you customize it some, it can be even more poweful of a tool. When your load is high, you usually receive an alert...