What makes WordPress enjoyable for bloggers?

Blogging is one of the most common internet activities nowadays. From personal to business use, blogs are created on a daily basis. There are just so many blogging platforms online to...

Reasons Why your Business Needs a Blog

Is blogging worth the time and effort for a small business owner? Can it really help enhance sales and bring something extra to your business? It surely is and can help...

How to add a domain to CloudFlare

UPDATED: 3/17.2023Setting up CloudFlare is quite easy. This tutorial will show you how to do this from the ground up on a domain you want...

How to view your website before updating nameservers (Like using temp url)

The best way of testing your sites is to modify your local hosts file right on your local computer. This file allows you to tell your local computer what...

How to upgrade or change your PHP version in cPanel

There are many different versions of PHP and unfortunately some scripts will not work with the newer versions of PHP. However, it's important to always make sure you're using...

How to unblock your IP from the firewall or remove your customers IP

We give our customers the ability to unblock their IP addresses or their customers IP addresses from our servers firewall. What this means is, if you or a customer...

How to enable CloudFlare and Railgun on your Plesk powered plan

Enabling CloudFlare + Railgun on your website is a very easy feat on our Plesk powered WordPress optimized servers. To do this, first log into your Plesk panel and...

Not able to access your WordPress admin dashboard?

Are you stuck without not being able to access your WordPress admin area? We are here to help!The things to check are:

How to clone a WordPress website to a new destination

Updated: February 24, 2023Cloning a website to a new destination is a fairly easy task and one that is needed for a variety of reasons....

Send emails via WordPress and WordPress Contact Forms better!

WordPress needs to send emails time to time. They could be notification emails to you, the site administrator or more importantly they could be communications such as Order Emails,...