How to leverage browser caching on your website

So you've just run a test on your website to see how fast it goes. You get an F, you fail, or get some other score you're not happy with. You...

Not able to access your WordPress admin dashboard?

Are you stuck without not being able to access your WordPress admin area? We are here to help!The things to check are:

How to enable CloudFlare and Railgun on your Plesk powered plan

Enabling CloudFlare + Railgun on your website is a very easy feat on our Plesk powered WordPress optimized servers. To do this, first log into your Plesk panel and...

How to view your website before updating nameservers (Like using temp url)

The best way of testing your sites is to modify your local hosts file right on your local computer. This file allows you to tell your local computer what...

How to upgrade or change your PHP version in cPanel

There are many different versions of PHP and unfortunately some scripts will not work with the newer versions of PHP. However, it's important to always make sure you're using...

How to create a staging area to build a new website

So you have a new website you want to design for a client but the client doesn't want his or her website going down while you work on a...

Speeding up Your WordPress Website

Is your website loading slow? Are your users complaining that they do not like the waiting time on your pages? Are you Google rankings dropping?If...

How to redirect HTTP:// website to HTTPS:// (SSL ) Secured site

Webhostpython offers free SSL certificates for all of its customers. So if you're a customer here, you have an SSL certificate and when visitors go to your website, they're able to...

Webhostpython Tools

Webhostpython has a variety of tools that are useful for everyday tasks. Please find our current toolbox toolsDNS Lookup - For running DNS tests on...

Enabling LS-Cache on your Venom Powered plan

All of our Venom Powered plans come with the extremely powerful LS-Cache license, the fastest WordPress caching system in existence. Enabling it is quite easy and the default options...