How to install CentOS 6 using Netinstall

When using KVM to install CentOS 6, you will find that using the drive redirect mode is an option. This works well when using the net-install version of CentOS. In this...

Installing Softaculous on your VPS or Dedicated Server

Installing Softaculous is very easy to do. There is a free version and then a premium version. You can install both versions using this method. If your IP is licensed, the...

How to change default SSH port for a VPS or Dedicated server.

Changing the default SSH port to your VPS or server is recommended for security reasons, regardless of your operating system or control panel (cPanel/WHM, Plesk, etc). The following tutorial is written...

How to setup IPMI on a Supermicro Server via CLI

Setting up IPMI via your BIOS is a very simple thing to do. However, there are times that you need to setup IPMI via command line interface since access...

How to Issue SSL for your DirectAdmin login page

DirectAdmin does not automatically issue an SSL certificate for your servers hostname upon deployment. What this means is that everytime you want to log into your DirectAdmin control panel,...

How to resolve Fatal error: Allowed memory size of XXX bytes exhausted error

You may have visited one of your WordPress websites, or another script on your server and received this error upon landing on one of the pages:Fatal error: Allowed memory size of...

How to delete/empty your email queue (multiple techniques)

Very frustrating. So you find out one of your WordPress sites was exploited and sent out thousands of emails from your VPS or server. You found the account or plugin/theme that...

cPanel Shared IP address for nobody fix

If you have logged into your VPS or server and noticed that you had an IP address that was not assigned to any accounts, yet you are unable to use it...

Force Non Legacy Backups to Start now (WHM/cPanel)

So you've configured your system to generate backups on all of your cPanel accounts using the newer method (not the legacy backup method) of WHM but you want the backups to...

How to Enable DKIM and SPF on all existing cPanel Accounts

To add domainkeys and SPF records, you can do the following. Please note that on CPanel servers most of the work is done using cpanel during account creation. However, there are...