Creating an email account is very easy using our control panel. Please note: This tutorial is intended for customers on our Python/Django hosting plans using our specialized control panel.

To create an email account, first login to your control panel using the login credentials given to you in your welcome email.
Then, on the main screen, click on “Domains/Websites”:


On the next screen, you will see a list of options as well as your virtual servers. Clcik on the name of your domain:

Virtual Servers

This will take you to a list of options for this specific account. Scroll to the section labeled Server Objects and click on “Edit Users”:

Server Objects

You will now be taken to a screen that list all of the current user accounts, both FTP and Email accounts. Click on “Add a user to this server”

Mail and FTP Users

You are now on the primary screen and given options to fill in for your new user account. Fill in all of the pertinent information and click on “Create”. That’s it! You have now created an email account. This email account can be checked using whatever preference you prefer (iPhone, Android, Blackberry). You can also access this email account using the defauly RoundCube Webmail email client we have deployed your Virtual server with. Thank you and enjoy!